impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/22) – Who’s Coming To BFG? Lashley & Bennett vs EC3 & Moose

Mike Bennett & Bobby Lashley Backstage Segment: 

Bennett is pumped about the beatdown that he and Lashley just dished out to the EC3 and Moose. Bennett asks Lashley if they just become best friends? Lashley says no. Best Friends? Lashley has no friends, so don’t say that again.

Lashley has told Bennett before that he’s unstoppable and he showed that to EC3 and Moose. Bennett knows that at Bound for Glory, Lashley will defeat EC3 just like he did. Bennett will take care of Moose and Lashley will never have to see him again. Bennett says that Lashley may gave him a title shot. Lashley is dumbfounded. Bennett tells Lashley to focus on their tag team match tonight, Lashley walks away.