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More Details On Rico Constantino’s Current Health, TalkNShop Returns On Talk Is Jericho, Samoa Joe Demands The NXT Title Be Returned To Him

Rico Constantino 

Following the news that former WWE star Rico Constantino (Rico the Stylist) was in poor health, Pancakes and Powerslams host Chris Featherstone has set up a GoFundMe page to help with financial costs for medical bills.

Featherstone wrote a new article for Inquistor explaining that after Rico was a guest on his show they became close friends. He says he’s communicated with Rico over the past few months about his declining health, including today when he learned the former WWE Tag Team Champion suffers from two leaky heart valves, two blood clots, and complications from brain trauma.

Featherstone started the GoFundMe page to help with medical costs and financial stress; click here to access the page for more details. 

TalkN Shop 

The latest episode of Talk Is Jericho is available now for download; today’s show is a special edition of TalkN Shop with The Club’s Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. You can read the synopsis below, click here to listen/download.

Talk’n Shop Live in Australia – with the mad hosting skills of Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson featuring special guests Chris Jericho and Jacko… along with the worst gimmicks on the indie wrestling scene. Hell Yeah Man and Sour Boy return. Gordie Canuck drops in, and Reptile (but you can call him Juan or… Panther) makes his debut. You can also thank Luke Gallows for ALL of the following hashtags: #ThingsYouCantUNhear #WorstPodcastEver #KeepItDown #ShitFaced (but not the kind you think) 

Samoa Joe 

The following video features Samoa Joe demanding that William Regal returns the NXT title to him after learning of champion Shinsuke Nakamura’s injury status: 


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