WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (9/20) – Cena vs Ambrose, The Miz Defends, American Alpha Returns!

– We get another Curt Hawkins “Face The Facts” Vignette. 

Naomi & Nikki Bella Backstage Interview: 

Charly Caruso asks Naomi and Nikki about their thoughts on the women’s division and how will they keep up the momentum in their match tonight with Carmella and Natalya. Naomi says that it’s amazing because it is Glow Time. The glow is about confidence and being yourself no matter what obstacles you have to overcome.

Nikki has the glow. Naomi says the glow went away for Natalya. She turned corrupt now and Naomi says she will make sure Natalya feels the glow. Nikki says Carmella has had it out for her. Carmella wants to make a name for herself. Nikki gotten over a tough injury and she is treating every match like it’s her last. Nikki rebooted unlike Carmella who’s a bootleg Nikki Bella

Dolph Ziggler Backstage Interview: 

Renee Young asks Ziggler about his match against Miz and how will it be different. It always ends up the same. Ziggler will give everything he has to win and he says anything can happen tonight. Ziggler says that WWE havs their resident Brangelina with Miz and Maryse. Miz may be obnoxious, a cheater, a coward, but he is also the champion. Miz desperately clings to his title. Ziggler is desperate to prove he belongs. Ziggler was not supposed to be World Champion but he is. Ziggler wasn’t supposed to be a Kent State Hall of Famer, but he is. Ziggler will shut up Miz and take that title. Ziggler will win the whole thing.


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