WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (9/6) – Styles Confronts Ambrose, 6 Woman Tag Match, Usos vs American Alpha!

Third Match: American Alpha vs. The Usos in a Semi-Final Match in the Vacant SmackDown Tag Team Championship Tournament 

Usos immediately attacks American Alpha before the bell rings. Jimmy with a Samoan Drop to Jordan. Gable sends Jey crashing to the floor. Jordan with a corner spear to Jimmy in the corner. Jordan tags in Gable.

American Alpha connects with Grand Amplitude to pickup the victory. After the match The Usos and American Alpha shake hands again. Jimmy superkick’s Jordan and attack Gable. Jordan is sent into the ring post. Jimmy holds Gable and Jey with a jumping thrust kick to the back of the knee. Jey gets Gable in a single leg crab. Jimmy connects with the Uso Splash to the back of Gable’s knee. 

Winner: American Alpha 

Randy Orton Backstage Interview: 

Charly Carusso asks Randy Orton about Bray Wyatt’s comments and how it changes his strategy on Sunday. Bray likes to tell stories. Once upon a time, there was a guy who hadn’t eaten for days and he would have to get food or he would have to die. That man found a rabbit and killed the rabbit.  He sees a snake off to the side, lying there, waiting. Only one could have the rabbit.  

The man took a few steps, looking at the rabbit.  The man stood over the rabbit and looked at the snake and he remembered that snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them.  The snake attacked. The snake never stopped wanting the rabbit, but he then wanted both. He waited for the man’s overconfidence to get to him. Orton will be waiting patiently at Backlash and then Bray will not know what hit him.


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