impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/1) – Two New Champions Crowned, Lashley/Bennett, Decay Invades The Hardy’s Estate

Third Match: Eli Drake vs. Ethan Carter III 

EC3 and Drake locks up. EC3 backs Drake into the corner. Drake with a right hand to EC3 as the referee was trying to create separation. Drake sends EC3 into the ropes. EC3 clotheslines Drake. EC3 launches Drake to the other side of the ring. EC3 clotheslines Drake over the top rope. Drake drinks a bottle of water and walks to the back. EC3 bounces Drake’s head on the ring apron. EC3 lands a knife edge chop. Drake responds with a knife edge chop of his own.

Drake plants EC3 with a float over DDT for a two count. Drake follows that up with a snap suplex for a two count. EC3 sunset flips Drake for a two count. Drake connects with the ELI DRAKE elbow drop. Drake applies an rear chin lock. EC3 with a jawbrekaer to Drake. Drake responds with a neck breaker for a two count. Drake with a series of right hands that continues to ground EC3. Drake stomps on EC3’s back. EC3 and Drake engage in back and forth right hands. Drake goes for a DDT, but EC3 counters with the TK3. EC3 with a clothesline, a back elbow, a jawbreaker and an EC3 Splash. EC3 drops Drake with a flapjack. EC3 plants Drake with the 1 Percenter to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ethan Carter III 


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