Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/29): Major Name Returns, New Universal Champion Crowned, Bayley Teams with New Day!

Titus O’Neil vs Darren Young w/Bob Backlund

Young is all over O’Neil. Taking O’Neil down to the mat and pounding on him. Young hits a few chops. O’Neil tosses Young so hard into the turnbuckle he tumbles over the top rope onto a cameraman. O’Neil body slams Young. O’Neil traps Young into the corner. Young tries to fight out, but O’Neil cuts him off. Young rolls up O’Neil in a crucifix pin for the win.

Winner- Darren Young

After the match, O’Neil beats down Backlund and Young.

Universal Championship Fatal 4-Way: Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Big Cass vs Kevin Owens

As soon as the bell rings, Kevin Owens rolls to the outside and stands next to Stephanie. Big Cass tosses Seth Rollins out of the ring. Cass and Reigns face off. Owens and Rollins attack Reigns and Cass from behind. Rollins rolls to the outside. Cass follows him. Owens and Reigns trade punches on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Rollins tries to suplex Cass. Cass reverses it and hits a suplex of his own. Reigns tosses Owens back in the ring. Reigns stomps Owens in the corner, as Rollins pokes Cass in the eye. Cass whips Rollins into the corner but Rollins get his foot up. Rollins hops to the top rope, but Cass hits a stiff right hand that sends Rollins careening to the floor. Cass and Reigns face off again. They trade rights and lefts. Reigns knocks Cass down after a jumping clothesline. Reigns calls for the Superman punch, but Cass catches him in a uranage position. Reigns fights out of it. Cass hits the ropes and hits a Test like big boot that sends both Reigns and Cass to the outside.



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