Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/29): Major Name Returns, New Universal Champion Crowned, Bayley Teams with New Day!

After the break, Sheamus is working a side headlock on Cesaro. Sheamus whips Cesaro into the ropes and telegraphs a back body drop. Cesaro answers with a European uppercut. Sheamus takes Cesaro down and tries to lock in the cloverleaf. Cesaro fights out of it. Sheamus misses a Brogue kick, which allows Cesaro to land a springboard corkscrew European uppercut.  Cesaro goes for the swing again, but Sheamus hooks the bottom rope to stop the swing. Cesaro turns the swing attempt into a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Cesaro lands a running uppercut in the corner.

Sheamus rolls up Cesaro and puts his feet on the ropes, but the Referee sees it and stops the count. Cesaro puts Sheamus on the uppercut train. Cesaro sits Sheamus on the top rope and dropkicks him off. Cesaro tries to uppercut Sheamus on the outside, but Sheamus back body drops him into the ring post. Sheamus tosses Cesaro back into the ring and locks in the cloverleaf. Cesaro taps out immediately.

Winner- Sheamus

Braun Strowman vs Americo

Strowman smash tiny Luchador! Strowman flapjacks Americo in the air and reverse chokeslam him. Shockingly (not), it’s over.

Winner- Braun Strowman

After the match, Strowman pulls off Americo’s masks and celebrates.


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