Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/29): Major Name Returns, New Universal Champion Crowned, Bayley Teams with New Day!

After a short break, Kingston springboards into the ring, but Anderson catches him midair and destroys him with a spine buster. Gallows tags in and puts Kingston into the tree of woe. Gallows hits a basement dropkick, followed by a suplex for a two count. Gallows and Anderson take turns working over Kingston. Anderson charges Kingston in the corner, but Kingston hits a standing double foot stomp to Anderson. Kingston tags in Bayley. Bayley hits the Bayley corner combo. Bayle pins Brooke, but Gallows pulls her out of the ring. The guys battle on the outside of the ring. Brooke tries to roll up Bayley from behind, but Bayley kicks out. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly for the win!

Winner- Bayley and The New Day

Best of Seven Series (Match Two): Sheamus vs Cesaro

Cesaro grabs Sheamus by the arm and takes him down to the mat. Cesaro rolls up Sheamus with a la magistral cradle for a one count. Cesaro tries the swing, but Sheamus kicks out of it. Cesaro double foots stomps Sheamus on the chest. Sheamus rolls to the outside. Cesaro knocks Sheamus off the apron. Sheamus hurts his elbow on the ring apron. Sheamus yells for the Referee to look at his elbow. As the Referee is looking at it, Cesaro attacks Sheamus’ Elbow. Cesaro dropkicks Sheamus, then clotheslines him over the top rope.
