Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/29): Major Name Returns, New Universal Champion Crowned, Bayley Teams with New Day!

Owens rolls out of the ring. Rollins tries to Pedigree Reigns, but Reigns reverses it into a roll up sit out powerbomb. Rollins kicks out! Rollins rolls to the apron. Reigns drive by kicks him, then Superman punches Owens. Reigns Spears Rollins on the outside. Triple H appears out of nowhere and Pedigrees Reigns on the outside! Triple H tosses Reigns in the ring, then tells Rollins to get in the ring. Rollins pins Reigns!

Roman Reigns is eliminated.

Triple H walks to the other side of the ring and tosses Owens in the ring. Triple H is about to attack Owens, but he kicks Rollins in the stomach and grabs him for a Pedigree. Rollins is struggling trying to get out of it, but he can’t. Triple H is staring at Owens. Owens is in shock. Triple H Pedigrees Rollins. That’s all she wrote.

Seth Rollins is eliminated.

Winner and NEW WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens!

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