After another break, Owens tries to superplex Rollins off the top, but Reigns joins and turns it into a tower of doom power bomb. Reigns tries to pin Owens, but Owens kicks out. Reigns tries to pin Rollins, but Rollins kicks out. Reigns traps Rollins in the corner and clotheslines Rollins over and over again. Big boot by Reigns. Reigns misses the Superman punch. Rollins tosses Reigns to the outside. Rollins goes for a dive, but Reign punches him in the face before he can get through the ropes. Reigns misses another Superman punch. Rollins turns it into a falcon arrow for a long two count.
Rollins calls for the pedigree, but Reigns backdrops him to the apron. Rollins lands on his feet and springboards off the tope rope. Reigns catches him with a mid-air Superman punch for another close two count. Reigns calls for the spear, but Rollins knees him in the head, then kicks him in the head for good measure. Owens attacks Rollins from behind. Owens cannonballs Reign and Rollins. Owens tries to cannonball Reigns again, but he eats a Superman punch for his trouble. Reigns calls for the Spear yet again, but Owens superkicks him. Owens Irish whips Reigns into the ropes for the Popup Powerbomb, but Reigns reverses it into a Superman punch.