The following results are from tonight’s WWE Cruiserweight Classic quarterfinals taping at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.
Tonight’s taping including all four matches from the quarterfinals round of the taping, as well as some non-tournament matches (marked as non-tournament) that could possibly air at a later date. The matches are listed in taped order:
Hideo Itami def Ernest Alexander (non tournament)
– Itami wins w/ GTS
WWE Cruiserweight Classic – Quarterfinals Match
Zack Sabre Jr defeated Noam Dar
– Sabre won via submission with a legtrap full nelson. Lots of reversals in this one. Good opener
WWE Cruiserweight Classic – Quarterfinals Match
Gran Metalik def Akira Tozawa
-Metalik wins via sitout fisherman’s driver (Dorada Screwdriver). Lots of aerial moves to the floor and near falls. Bit of an upset, caught a few people by surprise
Cedric Alexander def Oney Lorcan (Non-Tournament)
– Alexander wins via Lumbar Check. Needless to say the crowd was happy to see Cedric back after stealing the show at the Round 2 taping.
Tony Nese & Drew Gulak defeated Kenneth Johnson & Lince Dorado (Non-Tournament)
– Nese & Gulak via after Nese gets pin on Johnson via 450 splash. End saw all four in corner to set up 450 spot.