WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

– Jon Stewart was in a backstage segment with Daniel Bryan, Shane McMahon, Mick Foley and The New Day. 

Second Match: Sasha Banks (c) vs. Charlotte for the WWE Women’s Championship 

Charlotte hides behind the ropes. Charlotte and Sasha locks up. Charlotte whips Sasha into the corner. Sasha slaps Charlotte in the chest. Sasha connects with the hurricanrana. Sasha immediately gets Charlotte into the Bank Statement, but Charlotte rolls out of the ring. Charlotte with a single leg takedown. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, but Sasha blocks it. Sasha sends Charlotte face first into the second turnbuckle. Sasha and Charlotte battle for position on the top rope. Charlotte launches Sasha back first into the second rope for a two count. Charlotte drives her knee repeatedly to the back of Sasha. Charlotte applies the Gory Special which continues to apply pressure to the back of Sasha. Charlotte with a backslide for a two count. Sasha with a forearm to Charlotte.

Sasha connects with the knee strike. Sasha with a series of dropkicks to Charlotte. Charlotte with a back elbow to the Sasha. Charlotte connects with the back breaker for a two count. Charlotte with repeated knee strikes to the back of Sasha in the corner. Charlotte places Sasha on the top rope. Sasha goes for a flying head scissors, but Charlotte gets back on her feet. Charlotte gets Sasha tied in the tree of woe. Charlotte kicks Sasha in the gut. Charlotte with a clubbing blow to the back of Sasha. Charlotte goes for the Razor Edge, but Sasha counters with a top rope hurricanrana. Charlotte and Sasha engage in a series of haymakers. Sasha slaps Charlotte repeatedly in the chest. Sasha goes for the double knee, but Charlotte ducks out of the way.

Sasha sends Charlotte shoulder first into the steel ring post. Sasha gets Charlotte in a single leg crab on the top rope. Sasha with a double knee stomp to the back of Charlotte. Charlotte kicks Sasha in the knee. Sasha with a flying double knee strike to Charlotte. Sasha rolls up Charlotte for a two count. Charlotte connects with Natural Selection, but out of nowhere Sasha gets her in the Bank Statement. Charlotte with a neck breaker to Sasha. Charlotte chop blocks Sasha. Charlotte connects with the Natural Selection for a two count. Charlotte goes for another pin, but Sasha kicks out at the count of two. Sasha kicks out for the third consecutive time. Charlotte slaps Sasha in the face. Sasha with a tilt-a-whirl into the Bank Statement. Charlotte gets Sasha in a pinning position to pickup the victory. 

Winner: New WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte