WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

Third SummerSlam Kickoff Match: Sheamus vs. Cesaro In The First Match In The Best Of Seven Series 

Cesaro and Sheamus locks up. Sheamus drives Cesaro into the corner. Sheamus goes for the Brouge Kick, but Cesaro out of the way. Cesaro connects with the European Uppercut. Cesaro went for a springboard european uppercut, but Sheamus caught him in mid-air. Sheamus with back elbows to Cesaro. Cesaro goes the Cesaro Swing, but Sheamus ducks out of the way. Cesaro connects with the double foot stomp. Cesaro with a dropkick to Sheamus. Sheamus gets Cesaro trapped on the ring apron. Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats to the Chest of Cesaro, but Cesaro blocks it. Sheamus sends Cesaro face first into the steel ring post. Sheamus with a short arm clothesline to Cesaro on the ring apron.

Sheamus connects with the suplex. Sheamus applies an armbar. Cesaro connects with the Swissblade. Cesaro with a european uppercut to Sheamus. Sheamus drops Cesaro with a pumphandle slam. Sheamus applies an rear chin lock. Cesaro with a series of double axe handle’s to the gut of Sheamus. Sheamus plants Cesaro with the Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus connects with the rolling senton. Cesaro and Sheamus crashes to the outside as both men struggle to land a suplex. Sheamus with a series of uppercut’s to Cesaro. Cesaro slaps Sheamus. Cesaro brings Sheamus upon the Uppercut Express.

Cesaro connects with the standing dropkick that sends Sheamus crashing to the outside. Cesaro connects with the delayed vertical superplex for a two count. Sheamus with a roll up for a two count. Cesaro goes for the Neturalizer, but Sheamus counters with White Noise for a two count. Sheamus with a rolling senton off the second rope for a two count. Sheamus goes for the Brouge Kick, but Cesaro counters with a big boot. Cesaro drops Sheamus with a vicious lariat for a two count. Cesaro with a crossbody off the top rope. Cesaro gets Sheamus in the Cesaro Swing. Cesaro gets Sheamus in the Sharpshooter, but Sheamus reaches the bottom rope. Cesaro goes for the Sharpshooter, but Sheamus pokes Cesaro in the eye. Sheamus sends Cesaro shoulder first into the steel ring post. Sheamus connects with the Brouge Kick to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Sheamus Leads The Series 1-0 


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