Nakamura manages to get to the ropes. Joe bicycle stretches Nakamura. Nakamura fights out of it, but Joe sweeps Nakamura legs from the front. Joe powerbombs Nakamura. Nakamura kicks out, but Joe transitions into a modified Boston crab. Joe then transitions into a STF. If that wasn’t enough, Joe turns that into a crossface. Nakamura reverse it into a pin, but Joe kicks out. Nakamura enzguris Joe. Nakamura hits a kick combo followed by a running knee in the corner. Nakamura sets Joe on the tope rope and hits another running knee. Nakamura calls for the inverted exploder, but Joe gets out of it. Joe hits an inverted atomic drop, into a big boot, but he misses his senton. Nakamura knees Joe in the head over and over again.
Nakamura charges Joe in the corner, but eats a uranage suplex. Joe sits Nakamura on the top rope for the Muscle Buster, but Nakamura kicks him away. Nakamura dropkick Joe in the face off the top for another near fall. Nakamura and Joe trade blows, but Joe hits a lariat that turned Nakamura inside out. Joe goes for a right hand, but Nakamura locks in a flying arm bar. Nakamura turns that into a triangle choke. Joe reverses that into a Texas cloverleaf. Nakamura gets to the bottom rope. Joe puts on the coquina clutch, but Nakamura fights out of it. Joe knees Nakamura in the head then locks in the coquina clutch. Nakamura gets to the bottom rope to break the hold.