Bayley double springboard splashes Asuka for a two count. Bayley misses a top rope splash. Asuka shining wizards Bayley for another near fall. Asuka sits Bayley on the top rope. Asuka tries to set up a superplex, but Bayley slips through and traps Asuka in the tree of woe. Bayley springboard elbow drops Asuka for yet another two count. Asuka and Bayley exchange strikes. Asuka tries to hit the ropes, but Bayley rushes behind her and clotheslines her. Bayley hits the ropes, but Asuka rushes behind her and hip attacks her. Asuka hits the ropes, but Bayley rushes behind her and bicycle kicks her. Bayley tries to walk away, but Asuka trips her and puts her in the stretch muffler. Bayley rolls out of it and tries to pin Asuka, but Asuka rolls out of that and slaps on an ankle lock! Bayley tries to roll out of it, but Asuka rolls with her. Bayley eventually kicks Asuka off. Asuka floors Bayley with an overhead right. Asuka kicks Bayley in the chest over and over again. Bayley catches Asuka foot and yells hit me in the face.
Asuka hits her in the face. Bayley takes Asuka over with a backslide pin, but Asuka kicks out. Asuka spinning back fist Bayley. Asuka goes for another head kick, but Bayley catches her leg and tries to powerbomb her but Bayley’s leg gives out. Bayley picks up Asuka and hits a dominator on her. Bayley gets taken down and Asuka tries to lock in the Asuka lock. Asuka finally gets her hands clasp and has the lock on fully. Bayley screams, “No!” and she fights out of it. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-belly, but Asuka kicks out. Asuka takes Bayley over with a flying armbar but she immediately transitions into the Asuka lock! Bayley flips over into a pinning combination, but Asuka kicks out. Asuka head kicks Bayley, but Bayley fires up and slaps Asuka in the face. Asuka kicks Bayley in the head again. As Bayley is on her knees, Asuka charges up like Goku and obliterates Bayley with a buzzsaw kick for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Asuka!
After the match, Asuka picks up Bayley and hugs her.