nxt takeover brooklyn

WWE NXT Takeover Brooklyn Results (8/20): Ember Moon and Bobby Roode Debut, All NXT Titles on the Line, New Champion Crowned!

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Asuka (C) vs Bayley

Asuka grabs a side headlock, but Bayley pushes her off. Bayley goes behind Asuka and shoves her away. Test of strength in the middle of the ring. Bayley kicks Asuka’s hand and rolls Asuka up for a two count. Bayley flips over into a jackknife pin for another two count. Asuka retreats to the corner, but Bayley follows her with a corner clothesline. Bayley dives off the second rope, but Asuka knees her in the face. Bayley hits the mat like a sack of bricks. Asuka laughs as Bayley slowly rolls to the outside. Bayley gets back in the ring, but Asuka meets her with a hip attack. Asuka knees Bayley in the face and tosses her into the corner. Another hip attack by Asuka. Asuka traps Bayley in the ropes and puts her in an octopus hold.

Asuka charges Bayley in the corner, but Bayley back body drops Asuka to the apron. Asuka lands on her feet. Bayle tries to attack, but Asuka knees her in the face. As Bayley is prone on the second rope Asuka delay ax kicks her in the back of the head. Asuka goes to the outside and lays Bayley out with a running head kick. Asuka gets back in the ring and goes for a lazy pin. Bayley kicks out. Asuka slams Bayley’s head into the turnbuckle. Bayley fires up and slams Asuka’s head into the turnbuckle over and over again. Bayley suplex Asuka. Bayley basement European uppercuts Asuka’s back, then her front  then lands a jumping knee drop for good measure. Asuka kicks out at two. Bayley drives Asuka into the corner. Bayley hits the whoa splash in the corner. Asuka whips Bayley into the ropes, but Bayley leapfrogs to the apron. Asuka misses a running hip attack. Bayley Stunners Asuka in the ring ropes.

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