Nakamura tries to hit the inverted exploder but Joe fights and fights to break it. Nakamura German suplexes Joe. Nakamura call for the Kinshasa, but Joe powerslams him. Nakamura kicks out. Joe sits Nakamura on the top for the Muscle Buster. Nakamura pushes him away. Joe kicks Nakamura in the face. Joe finally hits the Muscle Buster. Nakamura kicks out! Joe goes for another Muscle Buster, but Nakamura rolls out of it and hits the Kinshasa! Joe kicks out! Nakamura goes up top and hits a Kinshasa to the back of Joe’s head. Nakamura hits ANOTHER Kinshasa to Joe and it’s all over.
Winner and NEW NXT Champion, Shinsuke Nakamura!
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