Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Raw Results (8/1) – Rollins Confronts Balor, Brock Lesnar Returns, Cesaro vs. Sheamus, More!

Stephanie McMahon, Mick Foley, Sheamus and Cesaro Backstage Segment: 

Stephanie gives Mick a brand new tablet and it has its own Raw sticker. Sheamus wants to know what is going on.  Sheamus wants to know why Mark Henry is getting a United States Title match when they are looking past a four time WWE Champion. Cesaro walks into the office and says that the people in the Cesaro Section don’t want to see Sheamus. 

Stephanie brings up the comments Sheamus & Cesaro made after the WWE Draft, including the fact Cesaro wanted to go SmackDown. Foley says that Cesaro was a top five pick but he says the medical records hurt his draft position.  Foley says he knows how tough Sheamus is. Instead of channeling your frustration against him and Stephanie do it in the ring and whoever impresses them the most earns a future title match.

Sixth Match: Nia Jax vs. Ariel Monroe 

Jax and Monroe locks up. Jax drives Monroe to the corner. Jax places Monroe on the top rope. Jax clotheslines Monroeas she pulls her off the turnbuckles. Jax with a crossbody. Jax with a forearm to Monroe. Jax follows that up with a elbow drop. Jax plants Monroe with powerslam. Jax follows that up with a Standing Leg Drop to pickup the victory.After the match, Byron Saxton asks Jax how does it feel to be in a WWE ring? Jax with a stinger splash to Monroe. Jax tells Saxton ask Monroe how she’s feeling? 

Winner: Nia Jax 


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