Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal Segment:
Slater says that’s not his fault for Raw and SmackDown Live not signing the hottest free agent in sports entertainment. Slater introduces one of his best friends Jinder Mahal. Two MB is back. Mick Foley comes down to the stage and suggest we should have a battle of the bands. Foley says that the Raw roster is stacked. The winner of this match will get a contract to be part of Monday Night Raw. Slater says that you can’t break up the band, we’re like Salt N Pepper.
Ninth Match: Jinder Mahal vs. Heath Slater. Winner Of This Match Obtains A Contract To Monday Night Raw
Mahal drops Slater with a big boot to pickup the victory.
Winner: Jinder Mahal
Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens Backstage Interview:
Tom Phillips asks Jericho if he is afraid he is a marked man. Jericho says that Enzo is the marked man. Enzo interrupted him when he was talking about his friend Charlotte. He says Enzo called him Jon Bon Jovi. He takes care of Enzo and his big puppet Cass comes to check on him. Jericho says that Enzo will not be doing too good. Enzo might have someone to watch his back, but so does Jericho. Tom Phillips asks Chris who is going to watch his back. Jericho ignores the question and then he says Jimin Marvinluten. Kevin Owens appears and tells Jericho he made up that name. Owens tells Jericho he’ll have his back. Jericho calls Tom Phillips a stupid idiot.