TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/28) – Semi-Finals of BFG Playoffs, Lashley Confronts Moose, X-Division Ladder Match

EC3 & Drew Galloway Backstage Segment: 

EC3 and Galloway talk about how in the future they will laugh about the conflict they had with each other. As long as the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in the picture, they’re no longer friends. Galloway is concern about Moose. EC3 says that he’s here to say he’ll make sure Moose doesn’t get involved. Galloway remembers the last few times EC3 tried to help, and doesn’t want to see him again until the finals.

Second Bram & Rosemary Segment: 

Rosemary never told anybody this and she’s scared, but Bram says not to be. It doesn’t matter and this leads him towards the barn.  We then see a flashback of Montgomery the Brother Tree telling her about some boy named Johnny who would show up and fall in love with her, but he never came, so she wrote him a love letter, and wrote it so hard that she started bleeding on the paper. Rosemary was so upset that she began casting every spell she could think of while telling herself that Johnny would be there tomorrow. Rosemary talks about how hard it is for her put her guard down. Bram says that it doesn’t matter whether she tells him or not, because he’s here for her right now.  


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