TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/28) – Semi-Finals of BFG Playoffs, Lashley Confronts Moose, X-Division Ladder Match

Second Match: Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne 

Madison tries to shake Gail’s hand, but Gail’s not going for it, so they start trading shots. Gail with side suplex to Madison for a two count. Gail with a leaping clothesline in the corner. Madison with a sunset flip for a two count Gail unloads with more kicks, but Madison gets a knee to the midsection and a boot to the face for a two count. Gail with a back elbow to Madison.

Gail goes for a springboard crossbody, but Madison ducks out of the way. Madison with a leaping enziguiri for a two count. Madison sends Gail shoulder first into the steel ring post. Madison drags Gail back into the ring. Madison goes for the pin, but Gail kicks out at the count of two. Gail with a sliding clothesline. Madison goes for a big boot, but Gail rolls Madison up for a two count. Madison with a clothesline. Gail with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Gail plants Madison with the Eat Defeat to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Gail Kim 


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