Sixth Match: The Miz (c) w/Maryse vs. Darren Young w/Bob Backlund for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Young with a hip toss to Miz. Young with a side headlock takedown. Miz reverses out of the hold and applies a wrist lock. Miz backs Young in the corner. Miz kicks Young in the gut. Miz drops Young with a shoulder tackle. Young with a waistlock takedown into a front facelock. Miz responds with another shoulder tackle. Young drops Miz with a discus forearm. Young with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Young lands a knife edge chop. Young with a boot to the face of Miz. Young ascends to the top rope. Maryse distracts Young which helps Miz launch Young to the outside. Miz launches Young rib first to the barricade. Miz drives Young back first into the ring apron.
Miz rolls Young back into the ring. Miz goes for a pin, but Young kicks out at the count of two. Miz applies a rear chin lock. Miz with a knee to the gut of Young. Miz with a side headlock takedown. Young rolls Miz up for a two count. Young with a series of right hands to Miz. Miz goes for a backslide, but Young stands still. Young with a backslide of his own for a two count. Miz responds with a boot to the face. Miz stomps on Young’s ribs in the corner. Young explodes out of the corner with a lariat. Young with a series of knife edge chops. Young with a over the head belly to belly suplex. Young with a back breaker to Miz on the ring apron for a two count. Young goes for the Crossface Chicken Wing, but Miz rolls out of the ring. Miz tries to walk to the back, but Backlund gets in Miz’s way. Maryse slaps Backlund. Backlund snaps and takes his shirt off. Miz shoves Backlund. Young applies the Crossface Chicken Wing on Miz, but the referee rings the bell and counts both men out.
Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz via Double Countout