TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/21) – New Champion Crowned, Bound for Glory Playoffs Begin, State of The Knockout’s Division

Referee’s and TNA Agents storm down the ramp to break up the melee. Dixie Carter appears on the titantron and says that Lashley and Edwards need to focus on their title vs title cage match. She promises that there will be a winner tonight. She ban’s both Bennett and Moose from ringside and if they show up during the match, Bennett will be fired on the spot.

Make things worst Bennett has a match with Jeff Hardy right now. Moose is banned from ringside. Matt Hardy & Reby appear on the stage. Matt reminds Dixie that she doesn’t own the IP of Brother Nero. It’s a $5,000 dollar fine if Matt doesn’t approve such a business proposal. However since Matt is a generous soul, he’ll allow Brother Nero to compete in the Bound for Glory Playoffs. Matt shows us what happen when Brother Nero dove off the hill. Brother Nero falls off the bike crashing back first on the stand. Matt says that not only the motorcycle is broken, brother nero will soon be too. Matt and Vanguard 1 has created music for Obsolete Brother Nero.

First Match: Mike Bennett vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy in a First Round Match in the Bound for Glory Playoffs

Bennett with a series of right hands to Hardy as the bell rings. Bennett stomps on Hardy’s back in the corner. Hardy fires up with a series of haymakers. Bennett knocks Hardy down again. Bennett tugs on Hardy’s hair. Bennett whips Hardy face first to the top turnbuckle. Bennett applies a armbar, but Hardy reaches the bottom rope. Bennett plants Hardy with a Cutter to pickup the victory.

Matt calls Brother Nero a pathetic obsolete mule. He wants Jeff to get out of the ring. Jeff is a vessel of flesh that’s empty. He’s going to break his back. Be gone Brother Nero. Jeff shakes the hands of the creatures as he walks to the back. Matt will prove to all of the ant’s why he’s the true face of the Hardy Brand. Let’s bring out his next victim because he’ll be DELETED! James Storm comes down to the ring with his boozer cruiser. 

Winner: Mike Bennett 


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