After a short break, Jax is choking Bayley with the middle rope. Body slam by Jax. Jax picks up Bayley and locks in a cobra clutch. Bayley fights out of it. Bayley goes for a cross body, but Jax caught her and dropped her with a backbreaker. Jax yet tosses Bayley to the outside yet again. Bayley is almost counted out. Jax tries to toss Bayley back to the outside, but Bayley sends Jax to the outside instead. Bayley clotheslines Jax off the apron. Jax tosses Bayley into the ring apron. Bayley crawls to the ring steps. Jax tries to hip attack her, but Bayley moves out of the way.
Jax is almost counted out. Jax gets caught up in the ropes. Bayley launches a valiant assault. Bayley misses a shoulder block in the corner. Jax misses a shoulder block in the corner. Knee lift by Bayley. Bayley mounts the top rope and takes Jax down with a cross body. Bayley calls for the Bayley-to-belly, but Jax head butts her. Jax sets up her power bomb, but Bayley turns it into a victory roll for a two count. Jax picks up Bayley for a suplex, but Jax jackhammers her instead! Jax calls for her leg drop, but Jax decides to go up to the top rope. Bayley cuts her off and hits a Bayley-to-belly of the top rope for the win!
Winner- Bayley
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