Jay Lethal and Ricochet Appearing on JR Podcast
Ring of Honor World Champion Jay Lethal and former Lucha Underground star Prince Puma, aka Ricochet, will be upcoming guests on Jim Ross’ “Ross Report” podcast, which you can listen to at this link.
Fandango Talks Facing Jericho at WrestleMania
WWE star Fandango recently spoke with The Portland Press Herald and below is what he had to say about facing Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 29:
“It was a lot of pressure leading up to my first match against a guy I grew up admiring and one of the reasons I got into this business. I was not only nervous as a performer, but working with one of the guys I looked up to and not letting him down.”
Who is Tonight’s #1 Draft Pick?
WZ wants to know who you think will be the #1 draft pick in tonight’s WWE Draft. Vote in the poll below and discuss in the comment section.
Smackdown Live begins at 8pm EST but WZ’s coverage page will go live at 7pm so you can discuss all the moves you think will be made in tonight’s big draft.
ON THE AIR: #RAW Rebellion https://t.co/S4t6o5KXVp @WZRebel @RossWBermanIV Who Is The Number One #WWEDraft Pick?
— WrestleZone.com (@WRESTLEZONEcom) July 19, 2016