After the break, Rollins tries to power bomb Ambrose into the corner, but Ambrose reverses it and hurricanranas Ambrose into the corner. Rollins hits the springboard knee. Rollins sets up for a second frog splash, but Ambrose moves out of the way. Ambrose calls for dirty deeds, but Rollins pushes him in the corner. Ambrose responds with a running elbow. Rollins superkicks him. Rollins hits another jumping head kick. Ambrose bounces off the ropes but misses the rebound clothesline. Rollins powerbombs Ambrose into the turnbuckle. Ambrose bounces off the turnbuckle and hits dirty deeds. Rollins gets his foot on the rope during the pin. Rollins rolls to the outside. Ambrose yells at Foley. Ambrose clears the announce table and lays Rollins on it. Rollins rolls off the table.
Ambrose follows Rollins. Rollins tries to pedigree, but Ambrose clotheslines him over the top rope. Ambrose mounts the top rope. Ambrose dives off, but Rollins kicks him in the gut and pedigrees him. Ambrose somehow kicks out at two! Rollins tries the Pedigree again, but Ambrose reverses it into a pin. Rollins kicks out. Ambrose goes back up top. Rollins cuts him off. Ambrose tosses Rollins off the top and he falls into the referee. Rollins gets back on the top rope and superplexes Ambrose. Rollins tries to float over, but Ambrose hooks his leg for a pin. The referee counts to three, but both Rollins and Ambrose’s shoulders were down. Steph gets into the ring and announces Rollins as the new WWE champion. Shane is arguing with Steph about whose shoulders were down. Steph gives Rollins the title and he leaves with it.
Winner- Seth Rollins?
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