christy hemme
(Photo by M. Tran/FilmMagic)

Christy Hemme Discusses Differences Between Hulk Hogan & Triple H, What It’s Really Like To Work For Stephanie McMahon, Funny Victoria Story, More

Former WWE and TNA Wrestler Christy Hemme was live on “The Tomorrow Show” with Keven Undergaro, talking everything from her WWE departure to her opinions on some of the biggest wrestling stars ever. 

Christy says HHH gives to everyone while Hulk Hogan is more about himself

“Hulk is great for Hulk. Triple H is great for business. You know, as far as like, bringing people in, bringing people up…he was always giving to the people…Hulk is like an icon and he is legendary and he is building his own brand.”

Christy reveals 2 sure fire ways to tell if a wrestler has “it” and why Sasha Banks does

“There’s two things, there’s a feeling. And that’s something you cannot explain. Like, there’s a feeling you get from her when you watch her in the ring, and that, that’s the that “it” factor, right? That’s like, Wow! Like, you know you get little butterflies like in your heart for what she does. Right? And then the second thing is, you know, I always can see the difference between somebody that’s really in it, and not in it with their in between movements. So people do a big move, they do a move, they do a move, all those in-betweens, like in between the moves, where are they? What are they doing? Are they really there? So it’s believable when you see like, like as a piece of art…she’s a feeler. She’s really there, she’s really being.”

Christy talks about who would win a TNA girls shoot fight and that Gail Kim would beat Awesome Kong

“Everything comes down to passion I think that that wins, and she is probably the most passionate when I picture, as far as being in the ring and physically going.”

Christy states that Jacqueline Moore would win in a WWE women’s shoot fight

“She is someone that will put you in your place. She is very strong. She is, she’s amazing. She is really good…You don’t want to mess with her. You don’t. You just don’t.”

Christy opens up about what it’s really like to work with Stephanie McMahon

“I really love her. She is so poised and so powerful and as a female…She had worked on a couple of my segments and I was always lost when she was talking to me in the moments because she is really one of those people that she’s a really good producer…She’s really good at connecting and pulling something out of you that she’s looking for…but she’s softer in like, she’s a warm person. She’s a strong person but she’s a warm person and she’s passionate about the females so she’s always fighting for them” 

Christy discusses how “politics” kicked her out of the WWE

“They asked me to move to OVW to train and I was like YES! I get to go train! Like I want to go work hard, I was really excited. And then when I got there, I was there for maybe a week and then I got the call that I was released. And I was heartbroken. Crushed.”

When asked why, she responded:

“I’m a strong woman that lives by my morals, and if you ask me to do something that’s not within my morals I will say no. So once I put that you know line down, that’s when I got the axe…It was one specific incident, so I’m just gonna leave it at that, cause I don’t need to go into details…It was not a wrestling related risque thing, I did Playboy…it’s just behind the scenes, politics, politics.”

Christy shares a funny story about Victoria/Tara being nude in the TNA locker room

“They had hired all of these young girls, like millennials to come in and be on the show and there was like, 8 of them, right? And in the locker room, I walk in and they’re all standing around somebody and everybody’s laughing and I’m like “what is happening” and they’re going crazy, and I see Lisa (Tara/Victoria), in the middle of them, spinning around like this, I’m like ‘what are you doing?’ she’s like ‘I just feel so young.’”

Christy used to carry a Trish Stratus action figure in her suitcase

“When i was going through the Diva Search, I had one of her action figures and I kept it in my suit case and it was like my good luck charm right…She’s done so much in this business and she definitely knows how to build a brand and she’s done very well. And so yeah, who doesn’t aspire to be powerful like that.” 

The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro 
is a late night talk show produced Maria Menounos, that airs live Mondays and Thursdays from 10-12am EST at and is available on iTunes. 


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