Mike Bennett, Maria Kanellis and Dixie Carter In-Ring Segment:
Bennett tells the fans in the Impact Zone to stand on their feet and praise the greatest X-Division champion of all-time. He’s not going to wait for Destination X, he wants to cash in Option C tonight. Bennett says that he’s the hero, TNA needs. Bennett says that it’s time for his perfect record to become gold. He wants to cash in Option C. Bennett says that whoever makes these things official need to come out right now. Dixie Carter comes out to interrupt the Bennett’s. Bennett says that it’s nice to see Dixie.
Bennett hasn’t seen her since she attacked his wife a couple weeks ago. Dixie says that Bennett has been disrespecting the X-Division for the last couple of weeks. Dixie says that Option C will be in effect tonight, if only Bennett can win his match tonight. Dixie informs Bennett that Billy Corgan is not in charge tonight. Dixie says that the people want to see Bennett put his title on the line in a Ultimate X tonight against the entire X-Division and that match will start right now. Bennett says that he’s greatest X-Division champion of all-time and you can’t do this to him.