WWE RAW Results (6/20): Charlotte Defends the Women’s Title, New Number One Contenders for the WWE Title Named, Big Returns, More!

wwe rawWWE RAW Results

June 20th, 2016 

Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Raw kicked off with The New world champion arriving at the arena and almost leaving the WWE title in a cab. He stopped the cab and grabbed the belt before it drove away!

In the arena, Dean Ambrose walks in with the belt and celebrates. The crowd goes wild. The crowd goes wild. Ambrose puts over the fact that he won the MITB ladder match and that he almost got bitten by a dog. Gotta love Ambrose. He finally mentions that he also cashed in MITB and defeated Seth Rollins for the WWE Title.

As expected Roman Reigns eventually comes out with a stoic look on his face. Reigns gets in the ring and doesn’t say a word. Reigns says it wasn’t his night. Last night was Ambrose’s night. Reigns says he is happy for Ambrose. He isn’t concerned with what the crowd says as they boo him. He is happy for Ambrose. Reigns asks how it felt to cash in on Seth Rollins. Ambrose says he would have cashed in on Reigns as well. A “you can’t wrestle” chant breaks out. Reigns tells the people chanting you can’t wrestle to calm down and drink their beer. Seth Rollins comes out and says this isn’t how this is gonna work. Rollins says he is up next for a shot.

Shane McMahon comes out and says they are going to have a match tonight on Raw for tonight- Reigns vs Rollins. Winner gets Ambrose at the PPV.