Fourth Match: AJ Styles vs. Xavier Woods
Styles lands a deep arm drag as the bell rings. Styles applies a wrist lock. Clean break and Styles lands a vicious forearm to the jaw of Woods. Woods with a baseball slide and lands a discus forearm. Woods with a series of knife edge chops to Styles in the corner. Styles takes out the knee of Woods. The referee backs Styles away from Woods. Styles with a perfectly time leg sweep. Woods with a flying knee to the face of Styles. Styles responds with the Pele Kick for a two count.
Styles with a club big blow to the back of Woods. Styles whips Woods to the corner. Styles with a corner clothesline for a two count. Styles applies a rear chin lock. Woods with a arm drag to Styles. Woods with the O’Conor roll for a two count. Styles plants Woods with the penchla back breaker. Styles with a corner mount to Woods. Woods with a flying crossbody, but Styles gets back on his feet. Woods with a drop toe hold that sends Styles face first to the middle rope.
Woods with a inverted suplex to Styles. Styles gets on the ring apron. Woods lands a discus forearm that sends Styles crashing to the outside. Woods follows that up with the Somersault Plancha. Woods with a springboard elbow drop for a two count. Styles knocks Woods off the top rope. Styles connects with the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles gets Woods in the Calf Crusher and Woods taps out.
Winner: AJ Styles via Submission