Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (6/8) – Nunchuck Match, Pentagon Jr Returns, Ultima Lucha Ramifications

Mundo with a running knee strike for a two count. Mundo with a ground and pound attack. Texano puts Mundo on the top rope. Taya distracts Texano. Texano pushes her down to the mat. Texano sends Taya face first to Mundo’s crotch section. Texano chops Taya in the chest. Texano tags in Puma. Mundo sends Puma onto Mysterio and Rey is sent crashing to the outside. Mundo launches Puma to the outside. Cuerno with a suicide dive onto Texano. Sexy Star with a flying cannonball onto Cuerno and Taya. Ivelisse with a flying crossbody off the top rope onto both Taya and Texano. Mack and Pentagon engage in a chopping fest. The Mack with a exploder suplex that sends Pentagon to the outside. The Mack follows that up with a somersault plancha. Puma with a tope onto Mack, Pentagon and Taya on the outside. Fenix follows that up with a springboard corkscrew splash. Havoc with a springboard back elbow. Mundo drags Mysterio out of the ring. Puma with a enziguri to Mundo. Mysterio with the 619 to Mundo. Mundo whips Mysterio to the corner which sends Puma crashing crotch first on the top turnbuckle. Mundo with the Spanish Fly to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Johnny Mundo, Fenix, Taya Valkyrie, Ivelisse, King Cuerno and Pentagon Jr. 

Catrina Segment: 

Death awaits for no one. Catrina summons Mil Muertes to rise up from the coffin. Muertes eyes open to end the show. 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Lucha Underground. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

You can follow me on Twitter @WZJoshLopez 

Check out Episode 7 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast. On this week’s podcast, I talk about Brock Lesnar’s return to the UFC and how it effects the WWE, this week’s Raw from OKC and how watching the show on your terms is better then watching live, the current build to the Money in the Bank PPV, TNA Rant and Top 3 Money in the Bank Ladder Matches. Hope you guys enjoy the podcast.