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Photo of an Emotional Shane & Vince McMahon After Hell in a Cell at ‘Mania, Kevin Owens Posts Lengthy Blog on Bad Restaurant Experience

Photo of an Emotional Shane & Vince McMahon After Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania

During last night’s tell-all podcast hosted by Mick Foley, Shane McMahon talked about the emotional embrace he had with his father Vince McMahon after Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania 32 and you can check out a photo of the moment below:

Kevin Owens Posts Lengthy Blog on Bad Restaurant Experience

As we noted over the weekend, Kevin Owens apparently had a bad experience at the Notre-Boeuf-de-Grâce restaurant in Montreal, which lead to a back-and-forth on Twitter between Owens and the restaurant owner. Owens took to Twitter and posted the following, more detailed explanation as to what happened:


I thought this was over with but I guess not, so here, @arielhelwani…My side of the story:

Someone just pointed me to your podcast today where you tell the story about me and your friend’s restaurant.

I feel like I need to clarify a few things as the story you tell is not accurate.

I was there for at least 45 mins. Not 24. Your buddy is straight up lying if he is indeed saying that. I also never said I was there with my whole family. It was just me and my wife and I never claimed otherwise.

His staff also wasn’t very apologetic like he claims they were but he wasn’t there so he’s probably just going off of what they said. The waiter actually seemed annoyed when we pointed out the issue.

Also, I never called the restaurant. That wasn’t me. The issue was done for me after Thursday night. I didn’t tweet at them or about them since Thursday night. I saw what Mick Foley wrote and that was his own doing, I had nothing to do with it. Those were his thoughts on the matter.

When they tweeted the Cena thing, that was all in good fun, no problem. What I didn’t appreciate is them bringing up “the free drinks” multiple times to me and other people they were tweeting at. To me, it seems like they were trying to make it seem like I got wasted on their dime when the truth is we had a coke and some orange julep drink that we didn’t even get to finish because we had to leave. Those drinks were also free not because the staff offered for them to be free but because my wife said they should be since we had to wait for so long with no food ever coming out.

I was ready to love your buddy’s restaurant. I live 2 mins from there. I get less than 2 days at home every week. Taking my wife out to dinner is a big deal to me. We were excited to be there and try it. If we had liked it, we’d probably have gone there weekly. But your buddy’s staff handled the whole thing poorly and I took to Twitter to let people know about it, just like I would have done to praise the place if I had liked it.

Their response was fine until they kept bringing up the drinks and then lied about me only being there for 20 mins.

Finally, you’re making it seem like I was furious when I left which is also untrue. When they said it’d be another 10 mins till we got our food, I stood up, said to forget it, that we had to leave and walked out. That’s it. I didn’t ask for special treatment. I never said who I was or what I do because that doesn’t matter at all.

All I wanted to do was take my wife to dinner but we got poor service and I tweeted about it because people should know this might happen to them if they go there. That’s it. People tweet about restaurants they go to all the time. The fact that I have a lot of followers shouldn’t matter. I should be a customer just like every other customer. If this had happened to someone else there (and judging from the Yelp reviews I read afterwards, it seems like it has), that person probably would have mentioned it on social media as well but I’m sure whoever runs their Twitter account wouldn’t have handled it like that.

I blocked you because you tweeted about it without knowing anything about the situation. Then you heard your buddy’s side of the story and went and said all this crap on your podcast. There’s obviously 2 sides to every story and I felt like you should get mine as well if you are going to talk about it.

I’m sure you won’t care about my side of the story considering the owner is a friend of yours but there it is.


The future “Mr. Money In The Bank” Kevin Owens



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