Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio
Kalisto kicks Del Rio in the hip. Del Rio picks Kalisto up and sits him on the top rope. Del Rio tries to take off Kalisto’s mask. Del Rio locks in a rear chin lock. Kalisto tries to fight out of it, but Del Rio cuts him off. Kalisto surprises Del Rio with a flying head scissors. Del Rio rolls to the outside. Kalisto attempts a hurricanrana of the apron, but Del Rio catches him and tosses him head first into the barricade.
After the break, Del Rio tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Kalisto. Backstage, Rusev attacks Sin Cara. Del Rio holds Kalisto up against the ropes and forces him to watch the carnage on the big screen. Kalisto manages to dropkick Del Rio. Kalisto ends up running shoulder first into the ring post after missing a shoulder block. Del Rio sets Kalisto up on the ropes for his finisher. Kalisto shakes the ropes, which causes Del Rio to get crotched on the top rope. Kalisto hurricanranas Del Rio off the top. Rusev drags Sin Cara’s limp body down to the ring. Kalisto lands a seated senton followed by a corkscrew springboard attack. Kalisto gets distracted, which allows Del Rio to hit the backstabber for the win.
Winner- Alberto Del Rio
After the match, Rusev attacks Kalisto. Rusev locks in the accolade and almost snaps Kalisto in half.