Shane McMahon Added to WWE Show Intro
In what could be a sign of things to come, Shane McMahon has been added to the intro video for WWE Superstars.
Catrina Not a Fan of NXT During Her WWE Run
Lucha Underground star Catrina recently did a Reddit AMA and had the following to say about her time in WWE NXT:
“I am not a huge fan of that time of NXT, I think was a lot of wasted talent in and out of there, and there was a lot of great talent that came out of there. I enjoyed my time with the girls in FCW because we’d spent many years together, but the show itself I was not a fan of.”
Woods Comments on Eric Young in WWE
Following Eric Young’s WWE NXT debut this week, Xavier Woods posted the following on Twitter:
Sooooo @TheEricYoung shows up in @WWENXT – seems like a pretty cool shift is happening