Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (4/27) – Mundo vs Cage, Finals of The Trio’s Tournament!

Fenix, Evans and Black are left in the ring with Mysterio, Puma and Azteca. We have a stare off with Fenix and Azteca. Azteca with a shoulder tackle to Evans. Leapfrog and Fenix connects with a double stomp for a two count. Aztec plants Fenix with a beautiful Tornado DDT. Fenix launches Azteca into the air and land a superkick. Azteca tags in Puma. Puma with a flying elbow drop to Black. Puma with a superkick to Evans. Puma with a northern lights suplex to Black. Puma connects with a modified Go To Sleep to Evans.

Puma with the 630 Splash to Black. Evans kicks Puma in the gut. Black tags in Evans. Evans applies a wrist lock to Puma. Evans tosses Puma to the corner. Evans with a side kick to Fenix. Puma tags in Mysterio. Mysterio with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors to Evans and Black. Mysterio with the 619 to Evans. Mysterio gets Evans in the middle rope. Mysterio with the 619 to Evans. Azteca with a Tornado DDT to Evans. Aztec and Puma connect with a double team suicide dive onto Black and Fenix on the outside. Mysterio with a double leg moonsault off the top rope to pickup the victory. 

Winner: New Lucha Underground Trio’s Champions Rey Mysterio, Dragon Azteca and Prince Puma 

Vampiro & Pentagon Jr. Segment: 

Cliffhanger scene we see Vampiro call it his protege Pentagon Jr. Pentagon shows up in a wheel chair. Vampiro tells Pentagon to get up. Vampiro spills some acid onto Pentagon. Vampiro continues to Pentagon to get up. Pentagon falls off the wheel chair. Vampiro calls Pentagon weak and puts the light up candle right next to laid out Pentagon Jr. 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Lucha Underground. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums. 

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