Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (4/27) – Mundo vs Cage, Finals of The Trio’s Tournament!

Back from break Evans is in the ring with Ivelisse. Ivelisse tags in Havoc. Havoc, Evans and Puma are in the ring right now. All three men look for position. Puma and Havoc with a double team dropkick to Evans. Havoc and Puma exchange back and forth right hands. Puma sends Havoc to the ring apron. Havoc with a double stomp to Puma for a two count. Evans attacks Havoc from behind.

Evans kicks Puma in the ribs. Havoc tags in Ivelisse. Ivelisse with a series of forearms to Evans in the corner. Evans with a boot to the face of Ivelisse. Evans says that he’s the baddest bitch in the building. Evans tosses Puma to the outside. Ivelisse chops Evans in the chest. Ivelisse with a thrust kick. Ivelisse with a enziguri to Fenix. Ivelisse with a code red powerbomb for a two count. Black with a superkick to Ivelisse. Evans pins Ivelisse. 

Ivelisse & Son of Havoc are Officially Eliminated 


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