Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (4/27) – Mundo vs Cage, Finals of The Trio’s Tournament!

Second Match: Son of Havoc and Ivelisse (c) vs. Joey Ryan & The Crew vs. Prince Puma, Rey Mysterio and Dragon Azteca Jr vs. Fenix, PJ Black and Jack Evans in a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match for the Lucha Underground Championship 

Dario Cueto announces that Angelico is out of this match due to a injury. Ivelisse, Cisco, Fenix and Mysterio starts off the match. Fenix and Ivelisse with a separate leg sweeps for a tow count. Mysterio with a seated senton to Cisco. Fenix with a thrust kick to the ribs of Ivelisse. Cisco with a powerslam to Fenix. Ivelisse tags in Son of Havoc. Mysterio tags in Puma. Cisco tags in Castro. Fenix tags in Black. Puma with a uppercut to Castro in the corner. Black ducks a clothesline. Havoc with a dropkick to Black. Puma with a dropkick to Cisco. Havoc with a standing shooting star press to Cisco. Puma tags in Azteca. Havoc sends Azteca to the outside. Havoc with a series of forearms to Castro. Cisco with a bling tag. Cisco with a slingshot leg drop over the top rope for a two count. Cisco tags Castro back in. Castro stomps on Azteca chest. Castro drops Black with a back suplex. Azteca with a enziguri to Cisco.

Castro with a enziguri to Azteca. Cisco with a sitout X-Factor to Azteca for a two count. Cisco and Castro double team Havoc. Havoc with a springboard back elbow to Cisco and Castro. Havoc tags in Ivelisse. Ryan drives Ivelisse back first to the ring apron. Fenix with a springboard corkscrew splash to Ryan on the outside. Puma tosses Black to the outside. Azteca with a missile dropkick to Evans. Azteca with a springboard plancha to the outside. Black with a somersault plancha to everybody on the outside. Mysterio connects with a flying crossbody to everybody on the outside. Havoc with a handstand plancha to the outside. Ryan flirts with Ivelisse. Ivelisse slaps Ryan. Ivelisse with a deep armdrag to Ryan. Ivelisse drops Ryan with a german suplex. Ryan tags in Castro. Ivelisse with a series of forearms to Castro. Castro drops Ivelisse with a brain buster. Castro and Ryan begins to argue. Ivelisse rolls Castro up and gets the three count. 

Joey Ryan, Cisco and Cortez Castro are Officially Eliminated