WWE SmackDown Results (4/21) – Ambrose & Zayn Teams Up, Styles vs Miz, What’s Anderson & Gallows Agenda ?

Sami Zayn & Dean Ambrose Backstage Interview: 

Ambrose says that Jericho & Owens are dirty scoundrels. Jericho calls himself the best in the world at what he does. According Ambrose, Jericho is the best in the world at attacking people from behind. Ambrose said that he and Zayn are going to lay waste to Jericho and Owens. Ambrose says that he and Zayn will make Jericho and Owens look like a leftover spotted dick. Zayn says that they need to defeat Jericho & Owens because they’ve been jerked around way too much. Zayn says that they should have a tag team names, but Ambrose has decline a bevy of tag team names. The Ambrose wants to be called the Rough Ryder’s. Zayn says that’s too sexual. Ambrose tells Zayn to take his stupid hat off and let’s go beat up Jericho and Owens. 

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows Backstage Interview: 

Rich Brennan asks Anderson & Gallows if their actions tonight adds any credo to the notion that they’re align with AJ Styles? Gallows says that AJ Styles doesn’t need their help. They’re just looking to make a impact. Anderson says that they’re going to make the same impact this Monday in their in-ring against The Usos. Gallows says that they have arrived. 


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