WWE SmackDown Results (4/14) – Jericho vs Zayn, Del Rio/Styles, Tag Tournament Continues

Kevin Owens Backstage Interview: 

Owens tells Renee hello. With Owen’s history with Zayn, Renee wanted to know if Owens can share some insight into what we may expect to see in the match later on tonight with Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho. Owens tells Renee that she’s getting better at this. Owens has more insight on Sami Zayn then anybody else. As far as tonight is concern, Zayn is lucky that Owens was escorted out of the building by security this past Monday on Raw. Owens says that nobody will help protect Zayn tonight. Renee asks Owens if he’s threatening to interfere in tonight’s main event. Owens tells Renee to ask Zayn if he has any insight into what will happen in the main event tonight and he walks away. 

Second Match: Paige vs. Emma 

Paige and Emma locks up. Paige jockey’s for position in the corner. Emma slaps Paige. Paige bounces Emma head on the top turnbuckle. Paige with a series of boots to the chest of Emma in the corner. Emma with a drop toe hold that sends Paige crashing face first to the bottom rope turnbuckle. Emma with the Emma Sandwich for a two count. Emma with a clubbing blow to the back of Paige. Emma connects with the dragon suplex for a two count.

Emma applies the full nelson. Paige with two sides kicks to Emma to regain momentum. Paige with a running high knee to Emma. Paige plants Emma with a running knee for a two count. Paige puts Emma on the top rope. Paige with a series of right hands to the gut of Emma. Paige headbutts Emma on the top rope. Paige goes for a superplex, but Emma counters by sending Paige crashing head first to the top turnbuckle to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Emma 


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