WWE NXT Results (4/6): Highlights From NXT Takeover Dallas, Apollo Crews Faces Elias Samson!

Elias Samson vs Apollo Crews

Before the match starts, Samson plays the guitar and sings a song about being at NXT Dallas. Before he can finish Apollo Crews comes out to stop the madness.

Samson sends Crews across the ring with an arm drag. Crews pops up and charges Samson. Samson retreats to the corner and hides behind his guitar. Crew and Samson lock up again, and Samson arm drags Crews yet again. Samson grabs a side headlock but Crews gets out of it and after a leap frog drop down spot Crews floors Samson with a drop kick to the face. Crews locks in a wrist lock. No matter what Samson does he will not release the hold Samson tosses Crews to the outside, but Crews will not let go of Samson’s wrist. They get back in the ring. Samson tosses Crews out to the apron. Crews attempts a springboard, but Samson sweeps Crews legs which causes Crews to tumble to the mat hard.

Samson assaults Crews in the corner with rights and lefts. Crews fights out of it. Crews whips Samson into the corner. Samson tries to leap frog over Crews, but Crews catches his feet. Samson kicks Crews in the chest. To get free. Samson goes back to the rear chin lock. Crews fights back up to a vertical base, but Samson drops kicks him before he can gain any momentum. Crews fires up and and hits the gotcha clothesline, followed by Crews leap enzguri. Samson rolls to the outside. Crews follows and lands a moonsault off the apron. Crews rolls Samson back in the ring. Crews gorilla press slams Samson but when Crews goes for the standing moonsault but Samson gets his feet up. Samson hits a jumping knee, but Crews kicks out at two. Samson calls for his neck breaker, but Crews reverses it into the tossing power bomb for the win.

Winner- Apollo Crews


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