wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (4/4): Shane is in Charge, Multiple NXT Stars Debut, New Number One Contender for the WWE Title Named, More!

wwe rawWWE RAW Results
April 4th 2016 
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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As Raw kicks off JBL, Michael Cole, and Byron Saxton tell us that the Raw after WrestleMania usually features some of the most passionate and vocal fans in the WWE Universe.

Interesting way to lead off the show. Are they trying to explain why their new champion may get booed out of the building?

Mr. McMahon comes out on the ramp. The Dallas Texas crowd sing Mr. McMahon’s entrance song. They were with him, until he notes that his son Shane had no chance in hell last night against The Undertaker. Mr. McMahon notes that this morning he took care of this lock box situation. There is now no doubt that he is in control of the WWE. Mr. McMahon enjoyed watching Undertaker kick the crap out of Shane last night. The one time he felt something last night was when Shane climbed to the top of the cell. Mr. McMahon thought to himself, “don’t so it Shane”. In that moment he gained back some respect he had for Shane. He also realized exactly how important this was to Shane. Mr. McMahon thanks the crowd.

Before Mr. McMahon can leave Shane’s music hits. A battered and bruised Shane McMahon walks out on the ramp. Mr. McMahon tells Shane he has no business being out of here. Shane says he came out here to say thank you to the fans. Since he is the only man in the family (ouch) he wanted to do this face to face. He shakes Mr. McMahon’s hand and thanks the crowd once again for everything they have done for him. Mr. McMahon yells at the crowd not to enable him. They are the reason he is all beat up now. Shane says goodbye and tries to leave. Mr. McMahon tells Shane not to leave because no on upstages him.

Mr. McMahon says he often thought how insane it would be for Shane to be in charge. Mr. McMahon says screw it, lets see what you’ve got! Shane is in charge of Raw tonight!


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