WWE NXT Takeover Dallas Results (4/1): Shinsuke Nakamura and Austin Aries Debut, New Champions Crowned, Balor vs Joe & More!

Gable atomic drops Dawson, but Dawson tags in Dash as he is in the air. Dawson runs outside and Gable follows. Gable runs head first into a clothesline by Dash. Dawson rolls Gable back in the ring. Dash and Dawson beat down Gable in their corner. Dash works a side headlock on Gable. Gable fights to try to get to Jordan, but Dash grabs him by the leg and tags in Dawson. Dawson picks up Gable and locks in the Gory Special. Gable reverses it into a sunset flip for another near fall. Dash and Dawson both grab Gable to keep him from tagging in, but Gable takes them both down in a double DDT.

Before Gable gets to his corner to tag in Jordan, Dash crawls under the ring and pulls Jordan off the apron. Dash and Dawson attempt a top rope… something. Not sure what that was supposed to be but it didn’t work. Dawson pins Gable but he isn’t the legal man. Gable finally manages to tag in Jordan. Jordan gets in the ring and destroys Dawson with a cradle Tazz-plex. Jordan tries to suplex Dawson off the top rope, but Dash pushes him off. Dawson tries to pin Jordan with his feet on the ropes, but Jordan kicks out. Jordan rolls up Dawson, but Dawson kicks out. Dash European uppercuts Jordan. Jordan falls right into Dawson’s pin attempt. Gable barely makes it to break up the pin. Dash and Dawson set up for their finish on Jordan, but Jordan reverses it into a pin, Dawson somehow manages to kick out.

Jordan whips Dawson into the corner but Dash pulls him out of the way as Jordan flies in for a shoulder block. Gable tags himself in. Dawson and Gable trade multiple pin attempts. Jordan get s a blind tag. Dawson stands a bit to close to the corner. Jordan comes out of nowhere and spears Dawson in the corner. Jordan and Gable hit their finish for the win!

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, American Alpha!


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