Photo Credit: WWE

Who Walks Out Of WrestleMania As IC Champion, Former WWE Ref Proposes Interesting Finish To Shane Vs Undertaker

Photo courtesy of Jimmy Korderas
Photo courtesy of Jimmy Korderas

Shane vs Undertaker

Former WWE referee, Jimmy Korderas, wrote a new blog for He made his WrestleMania 32 predictions which featured an interesting scenario for Undertaker vs Shane McMahon:

Hell In a Cell – Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker

This match will be the one with the most emotion. If Shane wins, he controls RAW and Taker is done. Those are the stipulations placed on this match. The latter may not have been need but does add an element of uncertainty to the outcome. Like the street fight, you can make a case for either man winning this match. While Shane being in charge of RAW would be a refreshing change to the product, I truly do not believe that this is Taker’s final WrestleMania. Many scenarios have been presented regarding the outcome of this match. From tons of interference to Taker sacrificing himself for the betterment of the company, all options have to be considered. I would like to propose a different twist, one that may leave more questions than answers. This match will not doubt be very entertaining. No one tells a better story in the ring than the Undertaker and I expect this to be the case Sunday. I see Taker dominating most of the match. Shane will get some offense in likely including a coast to coast with a trashcan. The biggest moment in the match will be Shane riling the Undertaker up so much that the Deadman annihilates the prodigal son. This all leads to Shane taking an incredibly cringe worthy bump that leaves him motionless. Then the Deadman really loses it and hits Shane with Tombstone after Tombstone and refuses to pin him. After maybe the third one the ref tries to end the match but Taker puts a stop to that. Vince comes out and has a change of heart and orders the ref to unlock the cell. Vince enters and tells Taker enough is enough and for Taker to stop the carnage and end the match. Taker tells Vince to leave, Vince slaps Taker who then guzzles VKM, picks him up and delivers a Tombstone to the chairman. A one knee pose by the Deadman and he walks out of the cell leaving both McMahon’s lying side by side. I normally don’t like non-finishes at a WrestleMania but in this case I believe it can work. This scenario eliminates too many run-ins and relies less on smoke and mirrors. Many will disagree but the story for control of RAW can continue and technically Taker didn’t lose so this would not be his last WrestleMania. (My hamster is on the wheel and likes to think outside the box)

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the blog.

WrestleMania Under Card Predictions

Chair Shot Reality videos are starting early this week with predictions for some of the under card matches. In this video…

  • Who walks out as IC Champion?
  • The Uso’s vs Dudley Boyz
  • New Day vs League of Nations

You can be part of Chair Shot Reality filming Friday at noon at Sherlock’s Pub in Arlington, Texas. Justin and Josh will be talking Ambrose vs Lesnar, Reigns vs Triple H and Hell in a Cell.


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