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Triple H Talks About His Wrestlemania Legacy, Roman Reigns Success And Fan Response, What Is Planned For His WM32 Entrance?

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H recently spoke to Denny Burkholder of CBS Sports heading into Wrestlemania 32.

HHH talks about his Wrestlemania history, his longevity in wrestling and keeping in shape, Roman Reigns’ success and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

Triple H comments on his Wrestlemania history: 

“Starting out with Warrior [at WrestleMania XII in 1996], that being my first WrestleMania, and walking into the ring with the Ultimate Warrior? I don’t know that the average person can put that into context for themselves, you know? ‘Hey, it’s your first WrestleMania. You want to work with one of the biggest stars ever in the business?’ It’s like, ‘Yeah.’ You know, all the way through to moments I had with Owen [Hart] and just … it’s just been an incredible ride.”

Triple H talks about Roman Reigns’ success, why he still gets a mixed crowd reaction: 

“He’s a great kid, and I’m really happy for his success and how well he’s done. But it’s a tough road and a long road. That success has come fast. Sometimes that can be a blessing and sometimes it can be a curse. So I think he’s done the best that he can with it.”

“You know, the hardest thing in this business to do now is, as a character, to either make everyone love you or everyone hate you. The world is a divided place in politics, in music and everything. Choices now, and people’s opinions, are front and center more than ever. The Internet makes that readily available to everybody. They know all of the machinations of everything and the behind-the-scenes of everything, you know.

It used to be that the good guy was the guy that didn’t cheat, you know what I mean? It was just very simple. The world has changed. I think [Reigns has] done a phenomenal job. He’s, you know, from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, a great human being. I’m really happy for his success, as I am for all of them.”

Triple H talks about his notable injuries, and training so they aren’t a setback: 

“My injuries have been fairly well documented because most of them happened on live TV, unfortunately. I’ve torn both my quads completely off. I’ve torn my bicep. I’ve had numerous injuries, all of those things, and I can tell you I feel as good now as I ever have in my career. My knees don’t hurt. When I see guys say, ‘Oh, I tore my ACL once or I had my meniscus torn, and I just can never squat again and I can’t do this or that, and I can’t run,’ I’m like, ‘Yeah you can.’ You just gotta train and build your way back up to it. I do all that stuff.

Knock on wood, anybody can get injured at any time, but my knees don’t bother me when I’m going up stairs. I don’t have issues with my back. My neck is good. But I’ve been meticulous about how I’ve stayed in shape over the years. Maybe it wasn’t the right, athletic way for a long time, but I always trained. I always ate right. I always did the things I needed to do.”

HHH talks about his entrance at Wrestlemania 32, other Superstars plans:  

“This year we’re dealing with injuries and a lot of unfortunate circumstances, but we will outdo. And part of that is making a spectacle, and I think you’re going to see that in a lot of talent this year.

I’ve put a lot of thought into [this year’s entrance], and it’s … The Authority will be there in full force, let’s just say that.”

