wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (3/28): Final Hype for WrestleMania 32, Triple H and Roman Reigns Brawl in Brooklyn, Brock Lesnar and More!

Zack Ryder vs Chris Jericho

Before the match can start AJ Styles walks out and confronts Jericho. Jericho refuses to grant him a match at WrestleMania. Styles says he isn’t leaving until Jericho gives him the match. The Bell rings and Ryder rolls up Jericho from behind for a two count. Jericho drop kicks Ryder to the outside of the ring. Jericho tosses Ryder back into the ring while jawing at Styles. Ryder surprises Jericho with a middle rope drop kick. Ryder calls for the Broski boot, but Jericho catches him and tries to lock in the walls of Jericho. Styles starts chanting Y2-Jackass. Jericho gets distracted and Ryder rolls him up for the win.

Winner- Zack Ryder

Yes, you read that correctly. Zack Ryder just defeated Chris Jericho in the middle of the ring. Ryder should leave the arena and go play the lottery. Two things will happen: he will either hit big, or get hit by a falling anvil as he leaves wherever he bought the ticket from.

Becky Lynch vs Charlotte

Sasha Banks sits as ring side as Becky and Charlotte lock up. Becky takes Charlotte down in an arm bar. Charlotte fights out, but Becky whips her into the corner. Charlotte flips over the turn buckle and hits the charging Becky in the face.
