WWE NXT Results (3/16): New Number One Contenders for the NXT Tag Titles Crowned!

American Alpha vs The Vaudevillains

Gable and Gotch start the match off. Gable quickly takes Gable down to the mat. Gotch tries to fight out of a waist lock, but Gable flips over and slaps on an arm bar. Gable drops Gotch down to the mat and transitions into a leg lock. Gable grabs Gotch’s other leg, but Gotch kicks him in the head. Gotch tags in English. Gable arm drags English to the mat. Jordan gets in the ring and they double drop kick the Vaudevillains. Both Gotch and English tumble to the outside of the ring.

After a short break Gotch is working a headlock on Gable. English tags in and slaps on a headlock of his own. Gable tries to back English into his corner so he can tag in Jordan, but English cuts him off and tags in Gotch. Gotch and English take turns beating down Gable. Gable manages to tag in Jordan. Jordan drop kicks Gotcha and flapjacks English. Multiple suplexes by Jordan. Jordan whips English into the corner and calls for the American Alpha finish. Gotch pulls English out of the ring to break it up. Gable grabs English by the waist and hit chaos theory! Gotch breaks up the pin.

Gotch gets caught on the apron. Gable dropkicks him off the apron and he falls right into Jordan’s arms. Jordan belly-to-belly suplexes Gotch on the floor. Back in the ring English powerbombs Gable for a long two count. American Alpha hit their finish on English for the win!

Winners- American Alpha

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