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WWE RAW Results (3/7): Shane McMahon Returns, Ambrose vs Wyatt, Final Hype For WWE Roadblock!

Kevin Owens vs Neville

Owens locks in a side headlock before sending Neville down to the mat with a shoulder block. Owens beats Neville down in the corner. Owens lands a senton for a two count. Short-arm clothesline by Owens. Owens tries another senton, but Neville gets his knees up. Neville lands multiple kicks before sending Owens to the outside with a hurricanrana. Neville goes up and over, but Owens moves out of the way. Neville lands on his feet, but Owens grabs him by the head and sends him into the ring steps.

After a sort break, Owens has a rear chin lock on Neville. Owens misses the cannonball in the corner. Neville attempts a German suplex, but Owens reverses it into an overhead German suplex of his own. Owens goes for another cannonball, but Neville enzguri him. Owens rolls to the outside. Neville goes up top and hits a shooting star press to the outside. Neville rolls Owens back into the ring and hits a standing shooting star press for a two count. Neville places Owens on the top rope. Owens tosses Neville off, but Neville black flips off the top rope. Owens kicks Neville in the face and goes for a tope rope moonsault, but Neville moves out of the way.

Super kick by Neville followed by a second rope phoenix splash for a near fall. Neville calls for the red arrow, but Owens rolls him up from behind for the win.

Winner- Kevin Owens

After the match, Owens beats down Neville. Owens is about to powerbomb Neville on the apron. Sami Zayn’s music hits and Zayn runs in and makes the save.