Impact Wrestling

TNA Airing Live Impact Wrestling From Orlando, Taping Details, HHH Posts Late Night Workout Clip (Video), Preview for Next Week’s Total Divas

(Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images)
(Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images)

Preview for Next Week’s Total Divas

The following is the synopsis for next week’s episode of Total Divas:

“Peace of Cake: Paige’s relationship with her boyfriend suffers because of a lie she’s keeping from her mother; Nikki worries about Brie’s safety after a dangerous purchase is made; and Rosa accuses Bobby of food-shaming her.”

TNA Airing Live Impact Wrestling From Orlando

According to, TNA will be returning to Orlando, Florida for more Impact Wrestling tapings from March 15th through March 20th.

As of this writing, TNA is looking at broadcasting Impact Wrestling live on Tuesday, March 15th.

Triple H Posts Late Night Workout Clip

Triple H has posted the following late night workout clip:


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