TNA Lockdown news

TNA LockDown 2016 Results (2/23) – Hardy vs EC3, KO’s Enter Lethal Lockdown, Lee Retains

Jimmy Havoc Promo: 

Havoc says that Rosemary is the kind of girl you don’t forget. She’s dark and she’s crazy. Havoc says that Rosemary was before Abyss and Crazy Steve got with her. Rosemary is dangerous and he’s going to get her back. 

Second Match: Trevor Lee (c) w/Shane Helms vs. Tigre Uno in a Six Sides of Steel Match for the TNA X-Division Championship 

Lee sends Uno face first to the top turnbuckle. Lee goes for the pin and Uno kicks out at the count of one. Lee stomps on Uno’s chest. Lee sends Uno face first to the steel. Uno misses on the enziguri. Lee goes for a german suplex, but Uno rolls Lee up for a two count. Uno with a side kick to the back of Lee’s head. Uno climbs up the cage. Lee knocks Uno off the top rope. Uno with elbows to the chest of Lee. Lee with a big clothesline to Uno for a two count. Lee with a gut wrench suplex.

Lee with a boot to face of Uno. Uno chops Lee in the chest. Uno with a enziguri to Lee. Uno irish whips Lee to the steel. Uno with flying leg drop for a two count. Uno with a crucifix slam to Lee for a two count. Uno goes to the top rope, but Lee catches up to Uno. Lee puts Uno on his chest. Uno kicks Lee off the top rope. Uno ascends to the top of the cage. Uno with a flying crossbody off the top of the cage. Uno goes for the pin and Lee kicks out at two. Lee sends Uno to the steel. Lee with a high knee to Uno. Lee connects with the Fisherman’s Brain Buster to Uno to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still TNA X-Division Champion Trevor Lee