Jim Ross On Big Show’s Emotional Podcast, Titus’ Suspension, Daniel Bryan’s Pro Wrestling Future, Who Wins The Fastlane Main Event?, More

On Titus O’Neil’s WWE suspension:

JR: I think you have to take any instance of unprofessional conduct, or anyone that is violating company policy, you kind of have to take it on a case by case basis. Every instance comes with it’s own set of personalities and consequences and timing. I think that you look at everyone of them by what they bring to the table. I would not look at all of them and say, “Titus did this so that’s going to be the standard for any unprofessional conduct of this nature. You’ll get a 60-day suspension, you’ll get fined and publicly reprimanded.” I think you have to look at everything individually. It’s like a parent disciplining kids. I think you have to look at each indiscretion at it’s own merits then dial up the punishment you feel is appropriate for that situation. I can’t tell exactly what happened in the Titus and Vince thing based on the little clip of video I’ve seen bandied about. It’s too hard for me to figure out what happened for sure. There’s got to be more to the story than meets the eye. 

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On what he thinks Daniel Bryan’s future in pro wrestling will be like now that he is no longer an active in-ring performer:

JR: Obviously at some point Daniel Bryan will be a WWE Hall of Fame guy. No doubt in my mind that he is deserving. Of course with the fans we all want that now. So do you rush to judgement and put him in the WWE Hall of Fame this year? I don’t know. I’m not saying no. I don’t know. I don’t know anyone other than Sting who all is going in to the WWE Hall of Fame. I’ve made my list, I’ve talked about it on my podcast… which drops every Tuesday night at 9 pm EST on PodcastOne… I talked about it on my blogs and websites. I’ve written about who I think should go in there and be a good class. That’s just me fantasy booking. No more, no less. I think Daniel Bryan is the kind of guy you don’t let get away from the company. Any company. Whether you’re sports entertainment or elsewhere. You can’t get too many Daniel Bryans. You can’t get too many guys that are low maintenance, sincere, intelligent, passionate and overcome all these odds. For me he’d be a perfect guy to work with young talents. He’d be a perfect guy to do PR and charity work for the company which is a big part of their presentation. There are a lot of things Daniel Bryan could do. Could he be a color analyst? I don’t know. Maybe we’ll find out. Would he be a great mentor to kids in NXT? I don’t know how the hell he wouldn’t be. 

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Transcribed quotes from Jim’s interview continue on the next page with his thoughts on what he expects from the WWE Fastlane main event and how AJ Styles’ WWE run has been booked so far.